“There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth … not going all the way and not starting”
The Buddha


What is the first step?

The first step is for you to contact me via phone or email to express your interest in us working together. As with any relationship that is just about to start, it is important to find a person to work with who feels right for you. This is why I suggest an initial 30 minute consultation – for which there is no charge – this gives us an opportunity to meet and get a sense of each other … for you to find out how I work and for me to find out what brings you to psychotherapy.

How long is a session and how often do we meet?

Each session lasts for one hour and if we decide to work together, we will meet on the same day at the same time each week. We will agree on this at our initial consultation. I suggest that we initially commit to working together for six weeks and then review where we are at this point.

How much does it cost?

My intention is to seek to offer affordable psychotherapy whilst balancing this with making a living. This is why my fees are on a self-reporting, sliding scale which ranges from £65 to £50 per session depending on your personal circumstances. I also offer two low cost spaces for those without any access to income (these are currently both taken; however when one becomes available I will advertise it here). We can discuss this more and agree what is right for you when we meet.

How long does it take?

The work can be short term, working on something quite specific or longer term if we are going to explore deeper and more complex issues.

Who is psychotherapy for?

Mindfulness-based psychotherapy is about exploring and transforming our relationship to ourselves and to those in the world around us. In this way, it works with a large range of issues including anxiety, depression, early relational trauma, feeling stuck, low self-esteem, eating disorders, relationship problems, attachment issues, being unable to get in touch with our feelings or conversely being overwhelmed by our feelings and the many other issues that can arise in our lives.

What about safety and confidentiality?

I create a space for you that is welcoming and safe. This is your opportunity to be deeply listened to, and to say or explore things that you may not have found easy to say or explore before. Whatever you share with me remains confidential. I abide by the Karuna Institute’s Code of Ethics and the UKCP’s Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Conduct.